Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Little Kid Stuff

We are all fourth graders at heart! Some of us have to dig deeper than others to exhume the child within, but we can do it. It's worth doing. Then, some of us never forgot what it's like to be age 10! Find the kid in you, or share this blog entry with a kid you know.

Lighthouse Kitty's "Kids on the Beam" column ran for about eight years in Lighthouse Digest. It was a fun endeavor that netted me lots of mail and, hopefully, helped some kids learn to love lighthouses. Tim Harrison, publisher, and Kathy Finnegan, editor, recognized the need to reach out to kids. I am thankful for their "bright" decision to let me contribute kids' pages.

Lighthouse Kitty was based on a real cat, a Ragdoll mix of mine named ZsaZsa (1996-2009). She was a gift from my daughter and a true sidekick. She made sure she was always where I was in the house. She loved to sleep on the top of my desk hutch or on the copy machine--a warm spot. I've had many cats over my lifetime, and she was truly one of the best.


Periodically, I'll run some of those old kids' column pages. They're worth an encore. Note that most of the email addresses and websites mentioned are defunct, as is Lighthouse Kitty. (I discontinued the column in November 2007. It was too difficult to teach college courses and keep up with the column too.) Sometimes, information in these old columns may be outdated. But the puzzles and crafts and other activities are still fun. Click on the pages to make them larger. I hope you enjoy these!

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